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Computer Question Bank
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Ms Access: Following is not a database model
  1. network database model
  2. relational database model
  3. Object Oriented database model
  4. None

Q2. Which is the first program run on a computer when the computer boots up?

  1. System software
  2. Operating system
  3. System operations
  4. None
Correct Answer

Q3. Which of the following file name extension suggests that it is a backup copy of another file?

  1. Txt
  2. Com
  3. Bas
  4. Bak
Correct Answer

Q4. Ms Excel:What is the keyboard shortcut for creating a chart from the selected cell range?

  1. F2
  2. F4
  3. F8
  4. F11
Correct Answer

Q5. Which of the following printer produces most noise?

  1. Dot Matrix Printer
  2. Inkjet Printer
  3. Laser Printer
  4. None of above
Correct Answer

Q6. Ms PowerPoint:In Microsoft PowerPoint the entry effect as one slide replaces another in a show is called a (an)

  1. animation
  2. slide transition
  3. custom animation
  4. preset animation
Correct Answer

Q7. Ms PowerPoint:your presentation is ready to go, but you don't know if PowerPoint is installed on the computer, you will use to present with what's the safe way

  1. Save your presentation as a web page
  2. Set up your presentation to be 'browse as a kiosk'
  3. Use the Pack and Go wizard
  4. All of the above
Correct Answer

Q8. Ms Access: After entering all fields required for a table, if you realize that the third field is not needed, how will you remove?

  1. You need to delete the whole tablThere is no method to remove a particular field only.
  2. Delete all the fields from third downwards and reenter the required fields again.
  3. Select the third column in datasheet view then Delete
  4. Select the third row in table design view then Delete
Correct Answer

Q9. Ms Word: Ctrl + S

  1. Save Document with different name
  2. Save Document with same name
  3. Save Document and Close Word Application
  4. Save Document and Print whole Pages
Correct Answer

Q10. Ms Word: How can you increase the font size of selected text by one point every time?

  1. By pressing Ctrl + ]
  2. By pressing Ctrl + [
  3. By pressing Ctrl + }
  4. By pressing Ctrl + {
Correct Answer

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